Feminist - 2023
In February 2023, Nikita won a competition in New York
City to be featured in a leading Brooklyn-born publication
'FEMINIST ZINE'. Nikita produced a figurative painting to
explore the identity of the modern, urban woman.
Feminism as it pertains to the human form should be about
celebrating body diversity. The ideal is a version of a
world that does not discriminate or oppress anyone based
on their race, religion, sexuality, or any other aspect of
their identity that influences how they express their
womanhood. Where women are fully liberated from all the
stereotypes and expectations that limit them. They are
multifaceted beings and their existence is not reducible
to one dimension. They are the embodiment of many
identities that coexist in harmony. ‘Fearless Freida in
the Flesh’ is a piece that conveys this message. Freida is
brave, she embraces both her masculine and feminine sides.
She is fierce and does not adhere to the ideal body image
imposed by Western culture.
Read The Publication
What does being a feminist mean to you? 🎤 Discover what I
had to say in the first-ever #FEMINISTZINE available now📓
I can’t wait to share it with you! Sign up now in the
#linkinbio @feminist. Commissioned by our friends